Princess and the Pea

Far Far Away My daughter has recently become quite taken with the Princess and the Pea. It's funny because I don't really think she even knows the story, but if she hears the word "princess", her interest is immediately peaked. And how lucky for her, I actually have Princess and the Pea fabric - Far, Far Away by Heather Ross. (Incidentally, did you guys know there is a Far, Far Away II coming soon with what looks like Rapunzel? It also says it will be a cotton linen blend rather than the double gauze.)

I actually almost traded this fabric a few months ago. I only had the blues and greens and just wasn't feeling it. But then I saw this beautiful quilt last week and was especially taken by the back. It motivated me to find the pinks, purples and oranges and now I'm really loving the collection.

I'm throwing around different design ideas but I will probably keep it simple, as the fabric has a lot going on. I know what you are probably thinking - does she have the nerve to start yet another quilt while so many are in progress?? The answer is yes. :)

Oh yes, this is also my 100th post. Yea me! I'll probably think of a way to celebrate soon. :)